Friday, August 22, 2014

Sex therapy

Recently everyone's favourite comic/actor, Robin Williams, apparent suicide from depression has put mental health into the spotlight. Unfortunately, just like HIV, the stigma towards mental illness, i.e. schizophrenia, bipolar et al prevents many chronic sufferers from gaining proper health care. And this in turn causes unnecessary stress towards their respective caregivers. Mental disorders are real and affects everyone. 

Closer to home, many communities in Asia still view mental patients as "dirty linens" in the family and very often sweep these sufferers and issues under the rug to "save face". I feel strongly for this matter which led me to helping the non-profit ClubHEAL with their PSA videos sometime ago.

Another mental disorder that is not commonly discussed is sex addiction. I had the privilege to direct the first 2 episodes of the second season of the television series, BINGIT. Based on my research, on the contrary, sex addiction does not only affect men - women are effected too. Just like the other mental disorders, there is no obvious physical trait on a sex addict. 

Thus how do one identify a chronic sex addict? The general signs are when his/her addiction starts to cause cracks with the people close to him/her, i.e. the spouse or partner, the sexual habits begin to get deviant that it causes harm to the partner.

Here are the two episodes. They were telecast on 6 and 13 August respectively at 2200hrs. Rated PG13.

BINGIT S2 01/02 from Sanif Olek on Vimeo.
Bingit season 2 episode 01/02

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