Here is the AMEEN teaser. It is the 3rd short film to the LOVE trilogy - yes finally here after 4 years! AMEEN is expected to be released late 2009.
AMEEN | LOVE trilogy #3 from Sanif Olek on Vimeo.
Cast: Sani Hussin, Alfie Jerome, Megat Danial Sharip, Raja Zulfikaar Abdullah, Nur Kamalia Hatim, Siti Nurhuda Osman & Seriwahyuni Jaes.
1st film: LOST SOLE
Lost Sole | LOVE trilogy #1 from Sanif Olek on Vimeo.
2nd film: à la folie "like crazy"
à la folie "like crazy" | LOVE trilogy #2 from Sanif Olek on Vimeo.
AMEEN is a reeljuice production.