Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Filmmaking - are you in or out?

I’m a filmmaker. 

I’ve seen A LOT of films that are controversial and divisive. It is part of my storytelling process to consume diverse opinions and perspectives as much as possible. This is how I grow as a filmmaker. 

I’ve done my fair share of “divisive” little films myself in the eyes of my community.

I’m also friends with people who have very strong opinions. There are others who are introverted. These relationships nourish my view as a storyteller. They frame my film narratives.

You cannot call yourself an artist if you only reside in your shell and refuse to challenge yourself to have effective communication with people that does not conform to your world view.

I thrive as a filmmaker simply because my capacity as one gives me access to meet with people of different circumstances. You may not be comfortable with regards to my thought process and casting or aesthetics. If you do not wish to challenge yourself to diverse point-of-views, the problem is you. 

Public discourse is unlike recess time at primary school, where you only choose to be with the more popular cliques, leaving the “odd ones” by the benches. And from my experience sitting on those benches, the ones with cliques end up with boring friends in life.

Most artists come with their own story and it’s colourful. That is why it makes on-set collaboration film-gasmic. If you are afraid to confront yourself with challenges and diversity, you’ll lose out.

In the process of telling a story, I rediscover myself and perhaps yours too. 

Are you in or out?

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